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Preventive & Diagnostic Care


Preventive care is a health service designed  to prevent disease or illness, while diagnostic care is for the diagnosis and or treatment of a disease in individuals with symptoms or risk factors. We offer both.

Heart Health Screening * Non-pharmacological CVD treatment * Non-Invasive Diagnostic Testing * Clinical Biomarker(s) Monitoring Program * Medical Grade Body                                                                   
Composition Analysis * Pulmonary Function Testing * Cardiorespiratory Fitness Tests * Plant Based Education & Nutrition  *  Cardiovascular Education * Group Support                                                                             
Jacqueline A. Burnes, EdD
Founder, Director of Cardiometabolic Preventive Health Program, Project Director, Preventive Cardiology / Cardiac Rehabilitation
Clinical Focus: Stable angina, heart attack, heart failure, coronary artery bypass grafting, heart valve repair or replacement, heart or lung transplant, angioplasty with or without stent, peripheral artery disease, pulmonary hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and long COVID.

Dr. Jacqueline A. Burnes works to prevent the onset of non-infectious diseases through the development and management of clinical education programs (cardiovascular). Dr. Burnes employs scientific methodologies and evidence-based practices to advance research efforts focusing on the prevention of coronary artery disease and associated risk factors.  Specifically, projects under the directive of Dr. Burnes serve as an expansion of her dissertation research entitled, Multifactorial Prevention Strategies to Reduce the Onset of Coronary Artery Disease.


Employing translational research practices Dr. Burnes is currently engaged in post-doc work at Columbia University where her training is focused on diagnostic cardiology (non-invasive) and the non-pharmacological treatment and management of patients who present with heart attack, heart failure, coronary artery bypass grafting, heart valve repair or replacement, heart or lung transplant, angioplasty with or without stent, peripheral artery disease, pulmonary hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and long COVID.




Columbia University-TC Exert Clinic, Exercise Physiology Clinic & Laboratory| Non-Invasive Diagnostic Testing (Cardiology)

Clinical Education
Degrees & Certificates

Postdoctoral Training |Preventive Cardiology |The Department of Biobehavioral Sciences at Columbia University


Master of Arts, Physiology| Preventive  Cardiology and Rehabilitation| Columbia University Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology (2024)


Doctor of Education, Health (Cardiovascular) |Research Focus: Disease Prevention & Health Promotion| Nova Southeastern University-Abraham Fischler College of Education| Dissertation Research: Multifactorial Prevention Strategies to Reduce the Onset of Coronary Artery Disease


Certificate, Lifestyle Medicine: Nutrition and the Metabolic Syndrome|Transtheoretical Stages of Change & Nutritional Counseling| Harvard University-Harvard Medical School


Certificate, Evidence Based Optimal Nutrition | Chronic Disease Prevention & Curbing the Global Obesity Epidemic| Harvard University-Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health



Cardiovascular Health
Pulmonary Health

Clinical Exercise Physiology

Cardiometabolic Exercise Physiology

Preventive Cardiology

Cardiopulmonary Stress Testing

Lower Your Cholesterol, Blood Pressure & Blood Glucose 
Enroll In Our Cardiometabolic Preventive Health Program Today!

Clinical Education
Degrees & Certificates

                        Cardiometabolic Preventive Health Program

We believe it is important for everyone to know their heart numbers. Our health professionals closely monitor specific biomarkers considered risk factors for CAD throughout the program: LDL, HDL, TC, TG, A1C, CRP (Labcorp). Once we receive the results from the outside laboratory, these data are provided to the client's physician to assist in determining appropriate current and future therapeutics and interventions. 

Clinical Education
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